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 Entertainment Archive 2017

Rose McGowan says Hollywood "is
the messaging system for your mind"
by Nathan'ette Burdine: October 31, 2017

During a speech at the Women’s Convention in Detroit, Michigan, Rose McGowan told the audience that the men in Hollywood are shaping the minds of young men and women.

McGowan said, “Hollywood may seem like it’s an isolated thing. But it is not. It is the messaging system for your mind. It is the mirror that you’re given to look into.”

McGowan’s comments came as a flood of sexual harassment allegations have come pouring in against Harvey Weinstein and other powerful men in Hollywood.

McGowan told the NY Times that she was one of the 40 women sexually harassed by Weinstein and that he offered her $1 million to not go public with her allegations.

McGowan did say that she was able to negotiate the offer up to $6 million but decided not to go forward with it.

During her speech, McGowan told the audience that she doesn’t want women to feel as if they are alone in their experience.

She is quoted as saying, “I came to be a voice for all of us who’ve been told we’re nothing, for all of us who’ve been looked down on, for all of us who’ve been grabbed by the motherfucking pussy.”

Yep, that last part is a swipe at Donald Trump who bragged on the now infamous Access Hollywood tape about “grabbing them (women) by the pussy.”

He’s now facing his own sexual harassment claims, 16 women to be exact, which he is denying.

As for Weinstein, he’s facing possible criminal charges from LA, NY, to London for his nasty ways.

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